Dangers of Nostalgia
"Nostalgia" is so often said with that
sort of simpering, "good ol' days", harkening back to the time when
things were simple and clean and wonderful. They never tell you about
the dangers of Nostalgia, the pain that blind-sides you, the hurt that
hunts you down in your beautiful, mundane life and sticks a fork in your
hand, heart or eye and says, "you think you control your memory but
really your memory controls you." Maybe you should think of Nostalgia
as a brother to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The way that the memory
is triggered has to be similar; smell, sound, sight. Although some
find a relief or a release in Nostalgia, there are others who find it
like being mugged by their memory, their carefully constructed piece of
mind stolen and them left bereft, shaking.
The Ministry of Pain- Ugresic
p. 226
like 'phantom limb syndrom' or 'nostalgia' are arbitrary lexical labels
meant to denote the complex emotional blow that comes of loss and the
impossibility of return. They imply that it makes virtually no
difference whether we make our peace with the loss or experience relief
at being able to let go of the past or of the desire to return to it.
Because the blow does not lose its intensity thereby. Nostalgia, if
that's the word for it, is a brutal, insidious assailant who favours the
ambush approach, who attacks when we least expect him and goes straight
for the solar plexus. Nostalgia always wears a mask and, o irony of
ironies, we are only its chance victim. Nostalgia makes its appearance
in translation- most often a bad one- after a complicated journey not
unlike the children's game 'telephone'. The phrase the first player
whispers into the ear next to him passes through a whole chain of ears
until it emerges from the mouth of the last player like a rabbit from a
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